dojenje koristi tudi mamicam (Polna verzija)

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pinkica -> dojenje koristi tudi mamicam (25.10.2006 9:00:48)

mojčika -> RE: dojenje koristi tudi mamicam (25.10.2006 11:00:46)

Dojenje pa pri ženskah tudi zmanjšuje tveganje za razvoj raka na dojkah in jajčnikih ter možnost za pojav osteoporoze.[image][/image] [image][/image] [image][/image]
Par dni nazaj sem tudi na RTV slo1 gledala prispevek, ki je govoril, da dojenje, večkratno, torej pri večih otrocih, povzroča raka, statistika kaže, da mame dojilje bolj zbolevajo za rakom na prsih...

Tudi za osteoporozo naj bi držalo, da dojenje izčrpa materino telo zadostnih količin kalcija...

Ne dajam mnenja, samo povzemam, kaj sem poslušala na TV...

Dashenka -> RE: dojenje koristi tudi mamicam (26.10.2006 6:53:53)

To z vplivom dojenja na (ne)zbolevnostjo za rakom je bolj tako-tako. Večina resnih raziskav z zadnjih let ugotavlja, da dojenja oz nedojenje nima nobenega vpliva.

Glede osteroporoze, pa je je znano in nedvomno dokazano, da izčrpuje kostno zalogo, ter da se le ta ne obnavlja več po 30 letu starosti. Torej če ste rodile pri 18 ali 20 letih, potem vam dolgo dojenje (ob ustrezi prehrani, gibanju itd), vejetno ni naredilo kakšne večje škode, če pa ste postale mamice pri 35 letih, pa je zgodba popolnoma drugačna.

Seven* -> RE: dojenje koristi tudi mamicam (26.10.2006 23:21:23)

Mojcika. Lepo prosim, ce mi poves v kateri oddaji si gledala to neumnost.

Dojenje namrec vzdrzuje doloceno raven hormonov v krvi in zaradi tega je tveganje za nastanek raka manjse. Ni namrec tako velikih nihanj.

Tukaj najdete vecletne studije na to temo. VKLJUCNO z referencami.

Pa se na temo Osteoporoze.
edia Release: La Leche League International Offers Good News about the Link between Breastfeeding and the Prevention of Osteoporosis during National Osteoporosis Prevention Month Schaumburg, IL (May 2002)--May is National Osteoporosis Prevention Month. While there is still much to learn about this disease which often leads to fractures, stooped posture, and chronic pain and disability, there is good news for mothers who choose to breastfeed. Research suggests that breastfeeding may protect women against hip fracture in old age. In the long-term, lactation may actually result in reduced risk of osteoporosis and stronger bones for the mother who breastfeeds. Some studies suggest that women who did not breastfeed have a higher risk of hip fractures after menopause. Because calcium is one important element in producing human milk, some health professionals had mistakenly assumed an increased risk of osteoporosis for women who breastfed their children. However, research studies have shown that after weaning their children, breastfeeding mothers' bone density returns to pre-pregnancy or even higher levels. In one study, researchers examined women who had at least six children each and who had breastfed for a minimum of six months; these women were compared with women who were never pregnant. Results showed no significant decrease in bone mineral density and no osteoporosis attributable to the multiple pregnancies and extended breastfeeding. For more information on the short- and long-term health benefits to mothers who choose to breastfeed or for any other questions about breastfeeding, visit La Leche League International's website at La Leche League International is a not for profit organization that offers education, information and mother-to-mother support to mothers who want to breastfeed their babies.

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