Ringaraja.net uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja spletne storitve, oglasnih sistemov in funkcionalnosti, ki jih sicer ne bi mogli nuditi.
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Da res ne bo samo grozn pa poglejmo še mal zm... 23.6.2005 13:25:19
Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is your emergency? Caller: I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from the brown house on the corner. Dispatcher: Do you have an address? Caller: No, I'm wearing a blouse and slacks, why? Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is your emergency? Caller: Someone broke into my house and took a bite out of my ham and cheese sandwich. Dispatcher: Excuse me? Caller: I made a ham and cheese sandwich and left it on the kitchen table and when I came back from the bathroom, someone had taken a bite out of it. Dispatcher: Was anything else taken? Caller: No, but this has happened to me before and I'm sick and tired of it. Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is your emergency? Caller: Hi, is this the Police? Dispatcher: This is 9-1-1. Do you need police assistance? Caller: Well, I don't know who to call. Can you tell me how to cook a turkey? I've never cooked one before. Dispatcher: 9-1-1 Fire or emergency? Caller: Fire, I guess. Dispatcher: How can I help you sir? Caller: I was wondering.....does the fire department put snow chains on their trucks? Dispatcher: Yes sir, do you have an emergency? Caller: Well, I've spent the last 4 hours trying to put these chains on my tires and... well.. do you think the fire department could come over and help me? Dispatcher: Help you what? Caller: Help me get these chains on my car! Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is the nature of your emergency? Caller: I'm trying to reach nine eleven but my phone doesn't have an eleven on it. Dispatcher: This is nine eleven. Caller: I thought you just said it was nine-one-one Dispatcher: Yes, ma'am nine-one-one and nine-eleven are the same thing. Caller: Honey, I may be old, but I'm not stupid. Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What's the nature of your emergency? Caller: My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart. Dispatcher: Is this her first child? Caller: No, you idiot! This is her husband! And the winner is.......... Dispatcher: 9-1-1 Caller: Yeah, I'm having trouble breathing. I'm all out of breath. Darn....I think I'm going to pass out. Dispatcher: Sir, where are you calling from? Caller: I'm at a pay phone. North and Foster. Dispatcher: Sir, an ambulance is on the way. Are you an asthmatic? Caller: No Dispatcher: What were you doing before you started having trouble breathing? Caller: Running from the Police.
Da res ne bo samo grozn pa poglejmo še mal zm... 23.6.2005 13:29:21
:)- :)- :)- :)- :)- ja ameriški stil ni kej :)- :)- :)- :)- :)-
Da res ne bo samo grozn pa poglejmo še mal zm... 23.6.2005 13:29:56
:zmeden2::zmeden2::zmeden2: svašta :zmeden2::zmeden2::zmeden2: :)-:)-:)-:)-:)-
Da res ne bo samo grozn pa poglejmo še mal zm... 23.6.2005 14:19:11
Jaz sem v 5. razredu klicala telefonske informacije in vprašala, če mam prav, da je 1. december dan boja proti AIDS-u. Če sem pa mislila, da so to pač splošne informacije, ki jih dajejo po telefonu. In tako stvar bi res lahko vedeli.:ups::)-
Da res ne bo samo grozn pa poglejmo še mal zm... 23.6.2005 14:23:57
bravo rozi!!!!!tej so pa od sile. kje si jih pobrala??
Da res ne bo samo grozn pa poglejmo še mal zm... 23.6.2005 17:26:19
Kaj piše v ameriki na pustem kostimu za supermana? Ta obleka vam ne omogoča letenja. Pa na otroškem zložljivem stolčku? Vzamite otroka ven preden zložite stolček. :)-:)-:)-
Da res ne bo samo grozn pa poglejmo še mal zm... 23.6.2005 19:55:09
mislim, adijo kaki kreteni so ti gringoti
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Za doječe matere.
Malo čudno vprašanje, ampak me zanima, ali so doječe mamice poskusile svoje mleko?