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   angleščina inštrukcije
23.9.2015 13:00:16   
Naša punca je v šestem razredu in lansko leto ji je šla angleščina zelo dobro; glede na ocene. Letos pa opažam, da ji že samo izgovorjava ne gre, kaj šele, da bi razumela kaj piše ali kaj govori... Sama z možem nimava pojma, zato se nama zdijo smiselne inštrukcije dokler je snov ne pokoplje; na začetku... Ali kdo pozna dobrega inštruktorja v Ljubljani?
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 1
   RE: angleščina inštrukcije
23.9.2015 16:31:23   
imaš zs


Opazujem te kako mirno spiš, te pobožam in ti že stotič preštejem vse prstke...In šele, ko tvoja dlan leži v moji, opazim, kako zares majhen si. Tako majhen si-pomeniš pa mi ves svet!

(odgovor članu klarči)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 2
   RE: angleščina inštrukcije
30.5.2016 16:46:46   
Ančka 123
Pozdravljene, da ne odpiram nove teme, bom kar tukaj prosila za pomoč.
Tudi naš otrok sprva ni imel težav pri angleščini, sedaj v 7.razredu pa se kaže, da ne osvaja besedišča in zaradi tega se pojavljajo težave. Pravila sploh niso problem, ko pa se pojavi novo besedilo pa nastanejo problemi, ker ga ne razume.

V tej smeri bi tudi jaz prosila za kakšne inštrukcije v Mariboru - priporočila.

Sedaj pa bi imela še prošnjo in sicer bi rabila kratko obnovo dveh besedil. Midva s partnerjem sva daleč od angleščine, in ja vem, to je "potuha" otroku, a smo na koncu šolskega leta in tako kot vedno imajo spet 3 teste na teden plus ustno spraševanje.


Wiliam Shakespir was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon Avon, in England. His father, John was a glove-maker. His mother, Mary was a farmer’s daughter. He had two older sisters, two younger sisters and three younger brothers. William probably studied Latin, Greek and history and left school when he was 14 or 15. Three years later he married Anne Hathaway. They had a daughter called Susanna and twins named Judith and Hamnet. Sometime before 1590 he left Straford and went to London, the capital city of England. London’s first theatre opened in 1576. Shakespeare worked in London as an actor and then started writing plays too. In 1593 the plague, a terrible disease, killed thousands of people and theatres were slosed. During this time William started to write poems instead of plays. His short poems are called sonnets.
Shakespear helped build a new theatrecalled The Globe. It opened in 1599. It was round and had space for three thousand people. At The Globe some people stood in front of the stage and others had seats. The audience shouted, clapped, booed and laughed while they watched plays. Musicians created special noises to make the plays more exciting and they had a cannon to make big bangs! No women acted in Shakespeare’s time: men and boys played all the parts. Shakespear wrote tragedies, which had sad endings, like Romeo and Juliet. His history plays are about kinggs and queens, like Henry V. Shakespeare wrote thirty-eight plays, maybe more. He loved language and invented new words and expressions that we still use today. William became rich and famous. He had houses in London and in Stratford. He died when he was 52 on 23 April 1616. His plays and poetry were very popular 400 years ago and they are still popular today. People all over the woerld love his work because he wrote wonderful stories about very interesting people.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream
In Athens, Greece, a young man, Demetrius, has a
“Please, Hermia. I love you!”
“No, Demetrius. I love Lysander!”
“Love is never easy! Let’s run away together!”
Helena is Hermia’s friend. She loves Demetrius.
“Demetrius, you know Hermia is running away to the forest with Lysander ...”
“I’m going to follow them.”
“Well, I’m going to follow you.”
In the forest, the fairy king Oberon wants to play a trick on Titania, his queen.
“Go and find a magic flower! I’ll put the juice in your eyes. It will make you fall in
love with the first thing you see.”
Oberon sees Demetrius and Helena. He doesn’t like the way Demetrius talks to
“Helena, go away! I don’t like you!”
“Puck! Put this on Demetrius’s eyes so he will fall in love with Helena!”
Puck sees Lysander sleeping, and thinks it is Demetrius. Lysander wakes up and
sees Helena.
“Helena, I love you!”
He doesn’t love Hermia any more!
A group of actors are in the forest, practising their play. Puck plays a trick on them
and changes Bottom’s head into a donkey’s. Naughty Puck!
“What’s wrong? Hee-haw, hee-haw.”
“Hee-haw, hee-haw.”
Titania falls in love with Bottom!
Oberon knows Puck put the juice on Lysander, not Demetrius, so he makes
Demetrius fall in love with Helena.
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“Helena, I love you!”
“No, I love Helena!”
Lysander and Demetrius want to fight over Helena.
“Why does no one love me?”
Oberon tells Puck to make a magic fog to put them all to sleep. Puck takes the love
spell away from Lysander.
Next Puck gives Bottom his human head again. Oberon takes the love spell away
from Titania.
In the morning, everybody wakes up.
“I love you, Helena!”
“I love you too, Demetrius!”
“I love you, Hermia!”
“I love you too, Lysander!”
Nobody remembers what happened! But now everybody is in love with the right
person, they decide to go home. Perhaps it was all just a dream!

Res zelo lepo prosim, če bi katera želela napisati čisto kratko obnovo.

Hvala še enkrat!

(odgovor članu mini86)
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 3
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