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17.9.2006 15:49:58   
Zakaj ne bi poskusili tudi kaj alternativnega, tudi če ne verjamete v to??

Več o tem na http://www.doskar.at/ 

Pozor! Nisem homeopatinja, samo skrbi me ko berem kako so vaši otroci zelo bolani.....morda pa je vseeno vredno poskusiti.....
Čeprav v sloveniji še ni homeopatskih zdravil, evropa in velik del ostalega sveta to s pridom uporablja....razmislite.....

POzdravček vsem, anka

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Composition: Ferrum phos. 12x, Calcium phos. 12x, China 4x.
Indication: Iron Deficiency, Proneness to Infection,Lack of Appetite, Tiredness at School, Lack of Colour.

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We all know children that are pale and weak, have little appetite and will only eat certain things. They often suffer from restlessness, nervousness, lack of concentration and repeated infections. They do not flourish and often the process of growing itself is too much for them.

It is children with certain metabolic weaknesses who tend to such disorders in development. The homoeopath's insight into the whole process of a disorder and his understanding of individual medicine can deploy stimulating and activating remedies against these weak points.

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Calcium phos. plays a dominant role in calcium metabolism and is of great importance for the development and strength of the skeleton, muscles, sinews and ligaments and also benefits mental development. Children with a disturbed calcium/phosphorus metabolism often have a weak digestion and poor appetite, the digestive juices are insufficient, there is often a longing for pickled and smoked food - but often for the opposite, a craving for sweets appears if the weakness of the digestion is so far advanced that only easily digestable carbohydrates can be absorbed. These children also tend to allergies and asthmatic bronchitis. The growing organism seems overtaxed. Growth places great demands on the calcium/phosphorus metabolism. 99% of the Calcium in the skeleton is present as Phosphoric acid calcium. In the 12th potency this remedy stimulates just this metabolic process and strengthens the physical and mental functions.Mental development particularly begins to suffer when physical dysfunctions appear.

Ferrum phos., Iron phosphate. Iron metabolism is generally recognized as an important factor for good health.Paleness in children and adults, expectant and nursing mothers,all draw attention to the importance of Iron. Various iron preparations of differing effectiveness are often taken because the weakness is not only due to the insufficient supply but also to a disturbed processing of Iron. The lack of digestive juices important for the resorption of iron have been discussed above. Earlier, wrought iron nails were driven into apples so that iron resorption would be prompted with the help of malic acid. Iron plays a central role as a component of haemoglobin, in the immune system and in many other functions. Ferrum phos. in 12x stimulates the iron metabolism and thus brings about a significant improvement in general health and reduces tiredness and proneness to infections. China, Chinabark, in 4x is used in homoeopathy wherSever one wishes to influence positively long standing weaknesses. Appetite and digestion are stimulated, the general condition is improved.

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Wherever weakness, paleness, loss of concentration and weariness are seen as symptoms of an underlying disorder, this tincture will be of great help to restore the child to mental and physical health.

Side effects: As yet none known.

Dosage: 10 to 12 drops three times a day. Shake well before use.
Neposredna povezava do sporočila: 1
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