Strawberrie Cherrie
Tole nas je razveselilo med 'decembrčicami' ... sicer je uradno januarja, vendar je ne damo ČESTITKE R1ta, mala Ana in pa očka Julian Pa da pridete čimprej domov iz P Hello girls, At 01-01-2007 at 22.10 in the evening, we have welcomed our daughter Ana-Lucia Soraya into our arms. She is completely healthy, weights 3445 grams and is 49 cm tall. 3 days ago on December 31, R1ta started her contractions around 8.00 in the morning. From that moment on, she experienced many many contractions that really took all her energy away, especially because all these contractions were contractions in her back. We were sent home from the hospital several times again though, because she had no opening at all yet. Late in the evening, being new years eve, she was send home once again with some medicine against the pain and some sleeping pills. The sleeping pills worked very well, but the medicine against the pain not at all, so she was only able to sleep a bit during the new years night inbetween her contractions, meaning, little sleeps of 3 to 5 minutes at most. The next morning, being 01-01-2007, we went to the hospital again at 9.00. This time she was allowed to stay and they were going to give her a hand to deliver the baby. The contractions -that she had for more than a day now- were really exhausting her though and at some point we came to the conclusion that the contractions were really too hard to continue, and so we requested a epidural injection which she got without a big problem. That was really a great thing for her, because it took away all the pain that she had experienced for over a day allready and it allowed her to rest a littlebit. Along with the epidural injection the doctors also gave her a fluid to enhance/stimulate her contractions though, so her contractions became really strong and frequent, but... she didn't feel them at all, except for some pressure down there of course Towards the end of the afternoon, R1ta started to really open up. We had 1/2/3 cm of opening for the first entire day, only later on at the second day, we finally had 9 and 10 cm of opening. A few hours after she had completely opened, the doctors decided that it was time to start the push-contractions, which means that during a contraction, R1ta had to push really hard several times to push the baby more down. Very hard work and it takes a lot of energy. But most of you know all about that already I guess A big disappointed for us was when we were told after an hour long of push-contractions, that the baby really didn't want to go more down than she already was, but that it was not enough down to deliver the baby in a natural way. The doctor said there was only one option left which was a secerian delivery. For the people who don't know this english word, it means that they open your belly and take out the baby that way. This news really came down hard on us; After 2 days of experiencing contractions and all the other unpleasant things that come along with a delivery, the last thing you want to hear is that it basicly was all for nothing. Both R1ta and myself had to cry, but much time to do so we didn't have, because R1ta was immeditaly taken to the operation room, the baby had to come out asap. Within an hour or so, Renata had gone through the entire secerian procedure and now has to stay in the hospital for 5 days. This means that you girls won't be able to talk to her online for 5 days on a row. I'm sorry for this, we really wished it would be different of course, but this is how it is. As soon as Renata has gotten her strength back a bit again and is allowed to come home, I am sure she will update you all by herself and tell you the real details of her delivery! On behalf of me: Thank you for all your support you gave to my girlfriend (R1ta) over the past 9 months or so, I know for a fact that all your advice and information has helped her a lot and it is really great to see her being part of this 'community' with so much enthousiasm. Keep in touch with eachother, also after delivery, I know R1ta would really like that! Julian.