No, vseeno ne pretiravajmo, če zobne paste ravno ne je oz. jo zaužije kak gram na dan, je količina zaužitega fluorida 0,5 mg ob predpostavki, da prav vse pogoltne. Prve kronične učinke zaznavajo pri 6 mg fluorida, drugi viri pa poročajo še o večjih vnosih. Nedvoumno pa je potrebno preprečevati, da bi malčki jedli zobno kremo na skrivaj "ker je dobra". Glavna posledica visokih doz fluorida je osteoporoza, zdravstveni učinek svinca pa je povsem drug. SODIUM FLUORIDE CASRN: 7681-49-4 For other data, click on the Table of Contents Human Health Effects: Evidence for Carcinogenicity: The IARC Working Group concluded that sodium fluoride (Group 3) are not classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans. /Sodium fluoride was reviewed by the IARC Working Group. Data for it are published in the IARC Monograph on sodium fluoride. No evaluation of the carcinogenicity for sodium fluoride is given; Fluorides (inorganic, used in drinking-water/ [IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva: World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT. (Multivolume work)., p. S7 63 (1987)]**PEER REVIEWED** A4: Not classifiable as a human carcinogen. /Fluorides, as F/ [ American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists TLVs and BEIs. Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices. Cincinnati, OH, 2005, p. 30]**QC REVIEWED** Human Toxicity Excerpts: Symptomatology: A. Ingestion of soluble fluoride salts. 1. Salty or soapy taste, salivation, nausea. Repeated small doses (as in drinking water) may produce no other symptoms, but polyuria and polydipsia have also been reported. 2. Large doses lead promptly to burning or crampy abdominal pain, intense vomiting and diarrhea, often with hematemesis and melena. Dehydration and thirst. 3. Muscle weakness, tremors and rarely transient epileptiform convulsions, preceded or followed by progressive central nervous depression (lethargy, coma, and respiratory arrest, even in the absence of circulatory failure). 4. Shock characterized by pallor, weak and thready pulse (sometimes irregular), shallow unlabored respiration, weak heart sounds, wet cold skin, cyanosis, anuria, dilated pupils, followed almost invariably by death in 2 to 4 hours. 5. Even in the absence of shock, arrhythmias may occur, especially multiple episodes of ventricular fibrillation leading eventually to cardiac arrest. 6. If the victim survives a few hours, paralysis of the muscles of deglutition, carpopedal spasm and painful spasms of the extremities. 7. Occasionally localized or generalized urticaria. 8. The above signs and symptoms are related to a variety of metabolic disorders that may occur in acute fluoride poisoning, including hypocalcemia (which may be the only invariable finding), hypomagnesemia, metabolic and/or respiratory acidosis and sometimes hyperkalemia. /Fluoride/ [Gosselin, R.E., R.P. Smith, H.C. Hodge. Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1984., p. III-190]**PEER REVIEWED** Acute poisoning: Ingestion of neutral fluorides such as sodium fluoride ... causes salivation, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Later, weakness, tremors, shallow respiration, carpopedal spasm, and convulsions occur. Death is by respiratory paralysis. If death does not occur immediately, jaundice and oliguria may appear. Experience with oral fluoride supplements used to prevent tooth decay has been reassuring; no adverse effects occur unless enormous amounts are ingested. [Dreisbach, R.H. Handbook of Poisoning. 12th ed. Norwalk, CT: Appleton and Lange, 1987., p. 217]**PEER REVIEWED** ... THE MAJOR MANIFESTATIONS OF CHRONIC INGESTION OF EXCESSIVE AMT OF FLUORIDE ARE OSTEOSCLEROSIS & MOTTLED ENAMEL. CHRONIC EXPOSURE TO EXCESS FLUORIDE CAUSES INCR OSTEOBLASTIC ACTIVITY. ... DENSITY AND CALCIFICATION OF BONE ARE INCREASED; IN THE CASE OF FLUORIDE INTOXICATION, IT IS THOUGHT TO REPRESENT THE REPLACEMENT OF HYDROXYAPATITE BY THE DENSER FLUOROAPATITE. /FLUORIDE SALTS/ [Gilman, A.G., L.S.Goodman, and A. Gilman. (eds.). Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. 7th ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1985., p. 1539]**PEER REVIEWED** Sodium fluoride was reported to induce unscheduled DNA synthesis in cultured human cells, and conflicting results were obtained on the induction of chromosome aberrations; it did not induce sister chromatid exchanges. [IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. Geneva: World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT. (Multivolume work)., p. S7 209]**PEER REVIEWED** Giant cells were discovered in the bone marrow of a woman taking 150 mg of sodium fluoride daily for osteoporosis. After fluoride was discontinued, these cells disappeared. [Reynolds, J.E.F., Prasad, A.B. (eds.) Martindale-The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 28th ed. London: The Pharmaceutical Press, 1982., p. 700]**PEER REVIEWED** CLINICAL SYMPTOMS OBSERVED IN A CASE OF POISONING BY SODIUM FLUORIDE IS DESCRIBED. AUTOPSY REVEALED GASTROINTESTINAL CHEMICAL BURNS, VENOUS PLETHORA, & BRAIN EDEMA. HISTOLOGICAL EXAMINATION SHOWED SWELLING OF MYOCARDIAL FIBERS. [ZINGERMAN MY; UCH ZAP PETROZAVODSK GOS UNIV 21 (4): 230-1 (1974)]**PEER REVIEWED** A cross sectional study was performed to clarify a possible role of atopy in the occurrence of acute bronchoconstrictive impairment observed in workers in a plant for the electrolytic extraction of aluminum. At the time of examination, mean hydrogen fluoride exposure was 0.56 mg/cu m, mean particulate fluoride exposure was 0.15 mg/cu m, and mean sulfur dioxide concentration was 3.38 mg/cu m. No information on duration of exposure or employment is provided. Of 227 workers examined (mean age 37, 43% current smokers) the percentage of those with a history of atopy and positive skin tests for common allergens was within the expected range. Six had a positive patch test with 2% sodium fluoride. Among 7 workers with paroxysmal wheezing and dyspnea, of whom 3 were light smokers, 3 had positive skin tests with common allergens but only 1 had an increased IgE value. The same worker also had a positive patch test with 2% sodium fluoride. Two had symptoms defined as chronic bronchitis. Forced expiratory volumes, with 2 exceptions, measured at the beginning of the workshift were within normal limtis. In 5 of the 7 workers, nonspecific bronchoprovocative tests with histamine or metacholine indicated objectively the presence of bronchial hyperreactivty. [Saric M et al; Am J Ind Med 9: 239-42 (1986)]**PEER REVIEWED** Two percent solutions of sodium fluoride may kill intestinal mucosal cells and result in severe hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. ... Fluorosis affecting bone is not detectable until the water concentration exceeds at least 4 ppm. [Ellenhorn, M.J. and D.G. Barceloux. Medical Toxicology - Diagnosis and Treatment of Human Poisoning. New York, NY: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. 1988., p. 531]**PEER REVIEWED** Numerous reports of accidental and intentional poisonings with flouride were tabulated and concluded that a dose range of 5 to 10 grams of sodium fluoride can be cited as a reasonable estimate of a "certainly lethal (single) dose" for a 70 kg man. They noted that this corresponds from 70 to 140 mg/kg. [Hodge HD et al; Fluorine Chemistry Vol IV: p.3-518 (1965) as cited in USEPA; Drinking Water Criteria Document for Fluoride p.VI-11 (1985) EPA Contract No. 68-03-3279]**PEER REVIEWED** The toxicity of sodium fluoride in relation to the beneficial effects of fluoride therapy in the treatment of malignant neoplasia was examined. They described the effects of fluoride administered to more than 70 patients for periods of 5 to 6 months. Most of these subjects, suffering from malignant neoplastic disease, were being treated with metabolic inhibitors. Some were leukemic children 3 to 6.5 years old, while others were adults including elderly individuals. Doses for the children were 20 to 50 mg sodium fluoride (9.0 to 22.5 mg fluoride) four times daily. Doses for adults were 80 mg sodium fluoride (36.3 mg fluoride) four times daily. The material was administered orally with an antacid containing 4 percent aluminum oxide or as an enteric coated tablet to avoid gastric irritation. No evidence of systemic toxicity or of parenchymatous damage was seen which could be attributed to fluoride, even though some patients had received more than 27 g of sodium fluoride over a period of 3 months. Criteria evaluated included growth and development in the children, mottled enamel, eruption of permanent teeth, hematopoisis, liver function, albumin-globulin ratio, blood sugar and cholesterol concentrations and kidney function. Postmortem data from 4 cases showed no parenchymatous degeneration attributable to fluoride. In hypertensive patients a tendency was noted for decreased diastolic and systolic blood pressure. In two patients with functioning colostomies there was no apparent effect of the fluoride on the exposed mucosa of the colon. [Black MM et al; NY State J Med 49: 1187-88 (1949) as cited in USEPA; Drinking Water Criteria Document for Fluoride p.VI-9-10 (1985) EPA Contract No. 68-03-3279]**PEER REVIEWED** 33 post-menopausal women with 100 mg sodium fluoride daily for two years and another 23 similar patients with 50 mg sodium fluoride daily for two years were treated. A decrese of cortical bone was evident at both dose levels. However, cancellous bone was increased to some extent in half of those receiving the higher dose. The findings also suggested that two years of treatment at the lower dose or one year at the higer dose avoided new vertebral fractures. Gastrointestinal discomfort sometimes combined with nausea was encountered chiefly at the higher dose, but was of minor clinical importance. Osteoarticular pain was the major side effect of fluoride therapy and was seen in about 60 percent of the patients at both dose levels. The maximum effect was seen after 6 to 12 months of treatment and then gradually disappeared. In 18% of the patients, treatment had to be discontinued. [Dambacher MA; Centre d'etude des Maladies Osted-Articulaires de Geneve: 238-41 (1978) as cited in USEPA; Drinking Water Criteria Document for Fluoride p.VI-4 (1985) EPA Contract No. 68-03-3279]**PEER REVIEWED** Chronic poisoning: Intake of more than 6 mg of fluoride per day results in fluorosis. Symptoms are weight loss, brittleness of bones, anemia, weakness, general ill health, stiffness of joints. ... /Fluoride/ [Dreisbach, R. H. Handbook of Poisoning. 9th ed. Los Altos, California: Lange Medical Publications, 1977., p. 207]**PEER REVIEWED**
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